The End of Development? Why international development must adapt or fail

Panel | System Development

Panel 1 — From the inside out: the devel­op­ment system


While much atten­tion is often paid to new ideas, best prac­tices, and magic bul­let solu­tions, in order to move devel­op­ment for­ward in a ‘new world,’ less atten­tion is given to the inter­nal dynam­ics and deci­sion mak­ing processes within the devel­op­ment sys­tem itself. The Devel­op­ment Sys­tem: From the Inside Out panel will there­fore reflect on a num­ber of fac­tors that cre­ate dis­con­nects between the stated objec­tives and out­comes of for­eign aid. An excit­ing group of pan­elists with both aca­d­e­mic and prac­ti­cal exper­tise will share their per­spec­tives on donor deliv­ery tac­tics, per­spec­tives on assess­ing need and align­ing pro­grams, and the influ­ence that the orga­ni­za­tional cul­ture of NGOs has on the out­comes and effec­tive­ness of devel­op­ment assistance.

Kim Wil­son | Moderator

Kim Wil­son is a lec­turer at The Fletcher School and a Fel­low with the Cen­ter for Emerg­ing Mar­ket Enter­prises and the Fein­stein Inter­na­tional Cen­ter at Tufts Uni­ver­sity. Spend­ing time in India begin­ning in 2001 through 2005, Pro­fes­sor Wil­son worked closely with sav­ings groups, con­nect­ing them to banks with a par­tic­u­lar focus on tribal areas. She has worked for Catholic Relief Ser­vices head­ing their Micro­fi­nance Unit, and in that tenure, spear­headed CRS’ shift from focus­ing on credit to the poor to sav­ings of the poor. Pro­fes­sor Wil­son has con­sulted for many inter­na­tional agen­cies in sav­ings and credit. Pre­vi­ously, she was in the pri­vate sec­tor, occu­py­ing senior man­age­ment posi­tions in finance and franchising.

Laura Roper | Panelist

Dr. Laura Roper is a widely pub­lished scholar, whose breadth of expe­ri­ence with NGOs includes 15 years with Oxfam Amer­ica, where she was Direc­tor of the Plan­ning and Learn­ing Depart­ment. She has worked as an inde­pen­dent Non-Profit Man­age­ment Con­sul­tant for the last 7 years, and her clients include Oxfam, Action­Aid, and Inter­Ac­tion, among oth­ers. She is also a lec­turer at Bran­deis University’s Heller School in the Sus­tain­able Inter­na­tional Devel­op­ment Pro­gram. She began her hands on devel­op­ment expe­ri­ence as a United States Peace Corps vol­un­teer in coastal Ecuador in the 1980s.

Ash­ley Tsongas | Panelist

Ms. Tsongas has 12 years of expe­ri­ence in global devel­op­ment pro­gram and project design, exe­cu­tion, and over­sight with a focus on pro­gram­ming that addresses poverty and the under­ly­ing imbal­ances in power. She is cur­rently man­ag­ing Oxfam America’s engage­ment in a major orga­ni­za­tional change process to align the pro­gram­ming and oper­a­tions of the Oxfam confederation’s 14 affil­i­ates. Ms. Tsongas has been an advi­sory mem­ber of Oxfam America’s Exec­u­tive Lead­er­ship Team since 2008. Ms. Tsongas is a grad­u­ate of Yale Uni­ver­sity and has a Mas­ters of Arts in Law and Diplo­macy from the Fletcher School. She was a Peace Corps vol­un­teer in Ampara­far­avola, Madagascar.

Simone Diet­rich | Panelist

Simone Diet­rich is a Post­doc­toral Research Asso­ciate at the Niehaus Cen­ter for Glob­al­iza­tion and Gov­er­nance at Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity. She received her Ph.D. in Polit­i­cal Sci­ence at Penn State Uni­ver­sity in May 2011. Her research inter­ests are in inter­na­tional and com­par­a­tive polit­i­cal econ­omy with an empha­sis on insti­tu­tions, pol­icy, and polit­i­cal method­ol­ogy. Dietrich’s cur­rent projects study for­eign devel­op­ment assis­tance and its effec­tive­ness. The focus of her inves­ti­ga­tions is on for­eign aid deliv­ery mech­a­nisms. Her research directly builds on insights gained through field­work in inter­na­tional devel­op­ment while work­ing for non-governmental and inter­na­tional orga­ni­za­tions. Diet­rich has done field­work in the Balkans, the Cau­ca­sus, and Cen­tral Asia over a period of nearly three years.

Panel 2 — The Future of Col­lab­o­ra­tion in Inter­na­tional Devel­op­ment / Beyond Islands of Excellence


Despite the best efforts of the mil­lions of non-profit orga­ni­za­tions, poverty, cli­mate dis­rup­tion, ecosys­tem destruc­tion, and other major soci­etal issues con­tinue to dis­rupt bil­lions of lives, most acutely in the devel­op­ing world. In recent years, there has been an evo­lu­tion in the way orga­ni­za­tions try to address these issues. The invalu­able role that col­lab­o­ra­tion can play has become increas­ingly appar­ent. Part­ner­ship mod­els have brought together cor­po­ra­tions, gov­ern­ments, non­prof­its and the UN in multi-stakeholder ini­tia­tives and cross-sector coor­di­na­tion. Effec­tive meth­ods are see­ing out­comes that are syn­er­gis­tic, strate­gic and sus­tain­able. This panel will gather key lead­ers from the pub­lic, pri­vate and aca­d­e­mic com­mu­ni­ties to look at cur­rent meth­ods of col­lab­o­ra­tion and dis­cuss the future of such partnerships.

Bill Reed | Moderator

An inter­na­tion­ally rec­og­nized pro­po­nent and prac­ti­tioner of sus­tain­abil­ity, Bill is pres­i­dent of the Inte­gra­tive Design Col­lab­o­ra­tive — a con­sult­ing orga­ni­za­tion work­ing to evolve green build­ing design prac­tice into an approach that is fully inte­grated with liv­ing sys­tems. He is a prin­ci­pal of the regen­er­a­tive plan­ning firm Rege­n­e­sis and the strate­gic envi­ron­men­tal plan­ning firm Inte­gra­tive Design. Bill served as co-chair of the LEED Tech­ni­cal Com­mit­tee from its incep­tion in 1994 through 2003, and has par­tic­i­pated in over 200 pre­sen­ta­tions and work­shops relat­ing to Sus­tain­able and Regen­er­a­tive Design.

Kyle J. Peter­son | Panelist

Build­ing on more than 25 years of inter­na­tional health and devel­op­ment expe­ri­ence, Kyle devel­oped FSG’s global health and global devel­op­ment prac­tice areas. Since 2002, Kyle has man­aged over 75 con­sult­ing projects for FSG in the areas of strat­egy, pro­gram design, oper­a­tions and eval­u­a­tion. He writes and speaks on ideas related to global health, global devel­op­ment and com­pa­nies’ engage­ment with soci­ety. Prior to join­ing FSG, Kyle was a strat­egy con­sul­tant at Mon­i­tor Group com­pany, a coun­try direc­tor with Pop­u­la­tion Ser­vices Inter­na­tional in Zim­babwe and Rwanda, and a Peace Corps Vol­un­teer in Sierra Leone.

Marc Van Amerin­gen | Panelist

A Cana­dian national, Marc Van Amerin­gen has spent more than twenty years work­ing in the field of inter­na­tional devel­op­ment. Under his lead­er­ship, GAIN has become a major alliance of busi­ness, gov­ern­ments and inter­na­tional orga­ni­za­tions that is imple­ment­ing nutri­tion pro­grams in more than 25 coun­tries. These inno­v­a­tive market-driven pro­grams are improv­ing the lives of over 500 mil­lion peo­ple, of which more than half are women and chil­dren. From 1992 to 2002, Marc was an Africa-based direc­tor for the Inter­na­tional Devel­op­ment Research Cen­tre (IDRC). In 2009, he was nom­i­nated Vice Chair of the World Eco­nomic Forum’s Global Agenda Coun­cil on Nutrition.

Nor­man Beaulieu | Panelist

Nor­man is the Founder and Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of Vil­lage Corps. Vil­lage Corps coor­di­nates aid orga­ni­za­tions, busi­nesses, fund­ing sources and vol­un­teers to work col­lec­tively using a shared, web based knowl­edge sys­tem on a sin­gu­lar goal: to pro­vide access to the resources vil­lagers need to cre­ate ‘regen­er­a­tive pros­per­ity’ for them­selves. Vil­lage Corps is launch­ing its first vil­lage in Zweledinga, South Africa. Please visit us at for more information.

Panel 3 — Sports for Devel­op­ment and Peace: Play to Prosperity


Sport for Devel­op­ment and Peace refers to the inten­tional use of sport, phys­i­cal activ­ity and play to attain spe­cific devel­op­ment and peace objec­tives. Pro­grams seek to empower par­tic­i­pants and com­mu­ni­ties by engag­ing them in the design and deliv­ery of activ­i­ties, build­ing local capac­ity, adher­ing to prin­ci­ples of trans­parency and account­abil­ity, and pur­su­ing sus­tain­abil­ity through col­lab­o­ra­tion and part­ner­ships. This panel will explore the role of Sports for Devel­op­ment as an emerg­ing devel­op­ment dis­ci­pline. Besides pro­vid­ing an overview and brief his­tory of this field, other themes that will be explored are pro­grams and strate­gies that lever­age sport to make an impact, evi­dence for the effi­cacy of sports in devel­op­ment, and the power of sport mar­ket­ing as an accel­er­a­tor of sport for devel­op­ment and peace.

Ziba Cran­mer | Moderator

Ziba Cran­mer is Vice Pres­i­dent in the Cause Brand­ing prac­tice at Cone. Pre­vi­ousy, Ziba was most recently the Direc­tor of the Access to Sport port­fo­lio within the SB&I Lab, a strate­gic invest­ment func­tion focused on part­ner­ships and direct invest­ment around key sus­tain­abil­ity issues. Ziba also lead Social Inno­va­tion for Nike’s Global Com­mu­nity invest­ment team, where she launched sev­eral cause ini­tia­tives and man­aged a port­fo­lio of strate­gic part­ner­ships in sup­port of Nike’s social inno­va­tion goals. Ziba also sits on the board of Wom­en­Win, an orga­ni­za­tion sup­port­ing the empow­er­ment of women through sport, a theme for which Ziba is a strong advo­cate. Ziba is also a life­long ath­lete — she plays lacrosse, bas­ket­ball, runs, and snowboards.

Kirk Friedrich | Panelist

Kirk is the co-founder and Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of Grass­root Soc­cer, an inter­na­tional orga­ni­za­tion that uses soc­cer to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Kirk was a top scholar ath­lete in the USA. After grad­u­at­ing from col­lege, he began a pro­fes­sional soc­cer career that led him to play in Zim­babwe. Wit­ness­ing Africa’s pas­sion for soc­cer, as well as the dev­as­ta­tion of HIV/AIDS, Kirk and sev­eral of his for­mer team­mates founded Grass­root Soc­cer in 2002. Under Kirk’s lead­er­ship, Grass­root Soc­cer has pro­vided HIV/AIDS pre­ven­tion edu­ca­tion to more than 480,000 young peo­ple in 19 coun­tries, and has become a lead­ing global health institution.

Mike Ged­des | Panelist

A for­mer BBC jour­nal­ist, Mike Ged­des has cov­ered major sport­ing events like the FIFA World Cup and Olympic Games and pro­duced doc­u­men­taries on hooli­gan­ism, racism and cor­rup­tion. Whilst work­ing in Africa he saw the incred­i­ble power of foot­ball as a tool for social change and went on to cover the sub­ject in Europe, Asia and Africa. In 2008 he joined the global NGO street­foot­ball­world, spend­ing three years in dis­ad­van­taged com­mu­ni­ties in Africa work­ing on the social legacy of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. He is cur­rently part of streetfootballworld’s Part­ner­ship Devel­op­ment team based in New York.

Nadia Moreno | Panelist

Nadia Moreno is work­ing as a Sport Devel­op­ment Offi­cer for the A Ganar Pro­gram. Led by Part­ners of the Amer­i­cas, A Ganar is a youth work­force devel­op­ment pro­gram wrapped up in a soc­cer ball. By uti­liz­ing soc­cer and other team sports to help youth in Latin Amer­ica and the Caribbean, ages 16–24, find jobs, learn entre­pre­neur­ial skills, or re-enter the for­mal edu­ca­tion sys­tem, A Ganar com­bats the seri­ous prob­lem of youth unem­ploy­ment. Nadia grad­u­ated from Emory Uni­ver­sity with a degree in Polit­i­cal Sci­ence and Soci­ol­ogy. Prior to join­ing A Ganar Nadia worked with Soc­cer in the Streets (Atlanta) and Fun­dación Fun­dem (Colombia).