7 Billion: Development in a New World


18th Annual Inter­na­tional Devel­op­ment Con­fer­ence fea­tures very com­pelling devel­op­ment thinkers and leaders.

Con­firmed speak­ers include:

Mar­tin Wolf, Chief Eco­nom­ics Com­men­ta­tor of the Finan­cial Times

Mar­tin Wolf is the chief eco­nom­ics com­men­ta­tor and asso­ciate edi­tor of the Finan­cial Times. A grad­u­ate of Oxford Uni­ver­sity and the Lon­don School of Eco­nom­ics, Wolf worked at the World Bank before mov­ing to a career in jour­nal­ism. After more than twenty years in jour­nal­ism, Wolf has estab­lished him­self solidly as the most influ­en­tial eco­nomic com­men­ta­tor in the world. In recent years he has writ­ten two books, Why Glob­al­iza­tion Works and Fix­ing Global Finance that have addressed the chal­lenges fac­ing the global eco­nomic sys­tem. In 2000. Wolf was awarded the CBE (Com­man­der of the British Empire).

Abhi­jit Baner­jee, Direc­tor of the Poverty Action Lab and co-author of “Poor Economics”

Abhi­jit Baner­jee is the Direc­tor of the Poverty Action Lab and co-author of Poor Eco­nom­ics, which won the Gold­man Sachs Busi­ness Book of the Year is a grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­cutta and Har­vard Uni­ver­sity. He is cur­rently the Ford Foun­da­tion Inter­na­tional Pro­fes­sor of Eco­nom­ics at the Mass­a­chu­setts Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy. In 2003 he founded the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), along with Esther Duflo and Send­hil Mul­lainathan and remains one of the direc­tors of the lab. In 2009 J-PAL won the BBVA Foun­da­tion “Fron­tier of Knowl­edge” award in the devel­op­ment coop­er­a­tion category.

Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the UN, in a spe­cial video address

Ban Ki-Moon is the Secretary-General of the United Nations and for­mer For­eign Min­is­ter of South Korea. A grad­u­ate of Seoul National Uni­ver­sity and the Kennedy School of Gov­ern­ment, Har­vard Uni­ver­sity, Ban Ki-Moon has been a staunch advo­cate of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment, female empow­er­ment, and arms con­trol dur­ing his tenure at the UN. Mr. Ban first took office on 1 Jan­u­ary 2007 and on 21 June 2011, he was unan­i­mously re-elected by the Gen­eral Assem­bly and will con­tinue to serve until 31 Decem­ber 2016.

Obi­ageli “Oby” Ezek­we­sili, Vice Pres­i­dent of the Africa Region for the World Bank

Obi­ageli “Oby” Ezek­we­sili was appointed Vice Pres­i­dent for the World Bank Africa Region in 2007. She has over­seen record lev­els of lend­ing to Sub-Saharan African coun­tries, as well as projects in 47 coun­tries and over 1600 staff. Ms. Ezek­we­sili pre­vi­ously served as Min­is­ter of Edu­ca­tion and Min­is­ter of Solid Min­er­als in Nige­ria. She chaired the Niger­ian Extrac­tive Indus­tries Trans­parency Ini­tia­tive and led the first-ever audit of Nigeria’s oil and gas sec­tor. She was a found­ing Direc­tor of Trans­parency Inter­na­tional (TI) and TI’s Direc­tor for Africa. Ms. Ezek­we­sili is a Char­tered Accoun­tant and holds a Mas­ters in Inter­na­tional Law & Diplo­macy from the Uni­ver­sity of Lagos and a MPA from the Har­vard Kennedy School.

Aruna Roy, award-winning anti-corruption activist and mem­ber of National Advi­sory Coun­cil in India

A social and polit­i­cal activist, Aruna Roy has worked for decades in rural India. The Maz­door Kisan Shakti San­gathan (MKSS), part of the non-party process in Rajasthan, was born through a col­lec­tive effort in 1990 of Aruna Roy along with Shankar Singh and Nikhil Dey. The MKSS began the strug­gle for the Right to Infor­ma­tion, and later the Right to Work which cul­mi­nated in the RTI and NREGA laws being passed by par­lia­ment in 2005. As mem­ber of the National Advi­sory Coun­cil, she advises Gov­ern­ment of India on social pol­icy. Aruna Roy received the Magsaysay Award 2000 amongst oth­ers, and was one of TIME magazine’s 100 most influ­en­tial peo­ple in 2011.

Dan Rodrik, Har­vard University

Dani Rodrik is the Rafiq Hariri Pro­fes­sor of Inter­na­tional Polit­i­cal Econ­omy at the John F. Kennedy School of Gov­ern­ment, Har­vard Uni­ver­sity. He has pub­lished widely in the areas of inter­na­tional eco­nom­ics, eco­nomic devel­op­ment, and polit­i­cal econ­omy. He is a recip­i­ent of the inau­gural Albert O. Hirschman Prize of the Social Sci­ence Research Coun­cil in 2007. He has also received the Leon­tief Award for Advanc­ing the Fron­tiers of Eco­nomic Thought, hon­orary doc­tor­ates from the Uni­ver­sity of Antwerp and Pon­ti­f­i­cia Uni­ver­si­dad Catolica del Peru. His 1997 book Has Glob­al­iza­tion Gone Too Far? was called “one of the most impor­tant eco­nom­ics books of the decade” in Busi­ness Week and his most recent book The Glob­al­iza­tion Para­dox was pub­lished in 2011. Pro­fes­sor Rodrik holds a Ph.D. in eco­nom­ics and an MPA from Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity, and an A.B. (summa cum laude) from Har­vard College.

Along with 50+ rep­re­sen­ta­tives from lead­ing and inno­v­a­tive devel­op­ment insti­tu­tions such as:

The World Bank
Trans­parency Inter­na­tional
Root Cap­i­tal
Vil­lage Corps
+ many oth­ers